Sometimes I get asked what to put in a repair kit. I have messed about with my repair kit for some time now and believe this is about as good a repair kit as anyone would need it. There is probably still some more to put in but I still haven’t found a way to fit a chainsaw or a JCB inside my kayak. I would advise to modify a repair kit to individual needs.
My repair kit consists of 2 boxes, a smaller 900ml day trip repair kit and a 2.0 litre expedition repair kit. On expeditions I always stick both boxes in my day hatch.
Day Trip Repair Kit (clock-wise)
- Strong big bin liner
- Bunge cord
- 2 spring toggles
- Flash bang
- Thin strong cord
- Cork
- Rubber gloves
- Small pliers
- Cut-out plastic from a milk container
- Zip ties
- Bike repair tool kit
- Pencil with some ductape wrapped around it
- Pocket brow torch
- Stanley knife
- Sail tape
- Fire lighter
- 2 component epoxy
- Grub screws
- Zinc coated wire
- Nuts and bolts
Additional to this a full roll of ductape and denso tape (nasty brown/green tape), which you get at any DIY store.
Expedition Repair Kit (clock-wise)
- Cut out from an aluminium juice can protected with ductape
- White spirit
- Pencil
- Wooden stick for mixing
- Different lengths of zip ties
- Sand paper
- Rough and fine saw blades
- Cork
- Tube for tent poles
- Tub from film spool
- Black witch
- Heavy compact pliers
- Fibreglass
- Mixing tub
- Superglue
- Hardener
- Resin
Additional to that it might be handy to have a skeg cable.