
Have a look what's happening at Unexplored Scotland
This year, January has been incredibly mild and wet. This meant that a lot of the lower snow has been stripped by rain on a weekly basis. However, in higher sheltered areas there has been the usual amount of snow. Just need to know where to look. In the last week it has started to become much colder and all the snow has consolidated well. This is the right snow...
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There are many different brands, types and colours of boots out there and in certain discount outdoor stores you might even not get the right advise. You can always check out the manufacturer’s website. Quite a lot of them tell you what B Rating they have and/or you can fit crampons. However, sometimes you might still struggle to find the right info. So here is a wee guide to identify...
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There is already the occasional dump of snow in the hills. So far it’s just a dusting at the summits but soon it will be a more consistent snow covering. All the winter tools have been polished and we are ready for this coming season. As usual we start in early January and go all the way to early April. Feel free to drop us an email if you have...
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Over the years I have seen and used many different types of food while in the hills in winter. Some worked well and some food like sandwiches I have just carried around and wasn’t able to eat because of the weather. Here is a list of a few things that always work even if the weather is not working in your favour. Drinks I would always have a thermos flask...
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Sastrugi is the newest member of the Unexplored Scotland team. She is a young Alaskan Malador (Malamute/Labrador cross). She loves making new friends and playing in the snow and with her many toys. To start with she will fill the role of snow specialist on our winter skills courses. I hope that everyone on our courses will be as excited to meet her as she is to be part of...
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