2020 Summer Season

We are all waiting for how the situation develops regarding COVID19, the lockdown and what changes we have to make in our society to safeguard each other and the NHS. I would say that it is unrealistic that we will be able to run any trips or courses till the end of May. My personal opinion is that it will last until late June till we can have some sort of return to operate as an outdoor provider. I have therefore removed all bookings till the end of June. Even if we manage to run some of our sea kayaking trips we will have to make sure that there are some rules we have to comply with.

Measure we may take for this Summer (may change with government advise):

  • Start of the season 2020 (maybe) early July
  • Social distancing on trips
  • Maximum of 4 people per trip
  • While on land use face masks and use them on the water when you get closer than 2m to someone
  • All the cooking and preparation will ben done by the expedition leader
  • Regularly wash hands with soap or hand sanitiser
  • We would ask for anyone joining our trips to self-isolate 2 weeks before the start of the trip and if that is not possible to inform us.
  • We would also ask anyone who has a cough or high temperature to cancel and rearrange for another date

I hope these are rules that anyone can get on board with. Please contact us if you have any questions.