

This Winter has started pretty slowly and hasn’t done much in regards of snow over the last few weeks. However, in January there is always enough to do to run a winter mountaineering course in the Cairngorms. For the first 2 days we went up Coire Ciste and to Ciste Mhearad to do the basic...
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sea kayaking skye
Last weekend was our last Sea kayaking trip for this season. For this Paul and Catherine joined in on the adventure. Since the weather was really good with very little wind and mostly dry we did something different from the usual areas and paddled from Boadford to Raasay and back. To start of the day...
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Last week Steven and Victoria went with me on a trip to the Summer Isles. The weather forecast for Saturday was really good and a wee bit windy for Sunday. Due to that we made the most of Saturday and paddled around some of the best spots around the Archipelago. Fist we popped by at...
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sea kayaking skye
Last weekend we went to Skye for a 2 day paddle with an American/German couple (living in Germany). The weather forecast for the weekend was superb for paddling with very little wind and some sunshine most of Saturday. However, it was suppose to get more overcast in the evening and then rain. Naturally this means...
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In Early June we organised a trip to the Highland clearance village of Boreraig in Skye. We paddled off from Torrin in full view of Bla Bheinn and paddled south to the village. After a lunch break, we decided to pitch up the tents and have an evening paddle instead of kayaking straight away. The...
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In May this year, we had 4 sea kayaking trips in Scotland. Almost all participants were women from different parts of the world. In all, we had 13 taking part in sea kayaking and only one man with a sense of adventure. We also had people from Scotland, Germany, Denmark, Australia and the Czech Republic....
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Last weekend saw the first sea kayaking trip at Skye of the 2019 season. In the team were to girls from Denmark, who felt at home once in the kayak. Even though the waves were pretty choppy right after passing through the Skye bridge the coped really well. We concluded that it must be the...
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You would hardly notice it but this kayak is now 18 years old. I’ve done already a few jobs on it like replacing the skeg and working on the seat. However, over the years I have managed to get a few cracks on the hull and deck. With the weather this nice, I have started...
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Last weekend saw our first sea kayaking trip of the season. And boy it was a challenge. We had pretty strong winds coming in from the north. That meant that we had limited options to paddle but stilled managed a group of 6 girls from Edinburgh to get to Glencoul bothy. Unfortunately the weather got...
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We were planning for the last year to expand our fleet of composite kayaks by 2 more boats this year. We bought 2 brand spanking new Venture Kayak Capella. The Capella reminds me of my first sea kayak, which was a P&H Capella RM 166. These new boats are a 163 for a smaller paddler...
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